NLG Legal Observers Featured in the Chicago Tribune’s Article

from The Chicago Tribune, posted on Tuesday, August 28, 2018. 

They’re watching, whether the whole world is watching. Legal observers in green hats are part of Chicago protests. By Christopher Borrelli



The first lawyer to arrive stood, as usual, at the edge of the protest. He waited and watched the police as the police watched the protesters, … Read more>>

NLG Mass Defense Committee Defends Anti-ICE Activists

On Monday, August 20th, activists from the Fang Collective blocked two separate entrances at the Bristol County House of Corrections.  This was in protest of the Bristol County Sheriff’s Department’s 287(g) agreement with ICE, which allows state employees to perform the duties of immigration officers.  The law enforcement response was reckless and dangerous.  They put activists lives at risk knocking … Read more>>

NLG Mass Defense Committee Defending Opponents of Trump’s Fascist Policies

On Saturday, June 30, 2018, hundreds of protestors (supported by several NLG Legal Observers) gathered for a protest rally against President Trump’s draconian and racist immigration policies at the South Bay House of Correction where ICE leases space to cage people they have detained for alleged immigration violations. After more than four hours of a peaceful protest, at about 8:00 … Read more>>

Federal Judge Issues Approval of Final Hep-C Settlement


On June 29, 2018, a federal judge in Boston issued final approval of a settlement between state prisoners with Hepatitis C and the Massachusetts Department of Correction. The judge’s order resolves Fowler, et al. v. Turco, et al., a class action lawsuit brought by Prisoners’ Legal Services (PLS) and the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild on … Read more>>

NLG-Mass Chapter Lawsuit Could Improve Hep C Treatment for Prisoners Nationwide

A Victory! In spring 2018, the NLG-Mass Chapter reached a settlement of the lawsuit that provides for dramatic improvements in the health care of all prisoners in Massachusetts.

We particularly want thank our partner, Prisoners’ Legal Services, whose expertise and hard work was critical at every step along the way.

The settlement includes Hepatitis C testing for all incarcerated people … Read more>>

Climate Activists Triumph Based on Climate Necessity!

A Victory! On March 27, 2018, thirteen defendants appeared in Boston’s West Roxbury District Court to answer charges that they blocked construction on the West Roxbury Lateral Pipeline, a high-pressure natural gas pipeline. They were part of a sustained campaign of civil disobedience that resulted in 198 arrests between October 2015 and September 2016. Although the prosecutor reduced the charges … Read more>>