The Resistance Committee has grown to over twenty members. Threats to our immigrant neighbors have been our biggest focus over the past few weeks. The Resistance Committee now has two active projects that support non-citizens in MA at different points of intervention. We partnered with MIRA to train dozens of NLG-MA members to provide Know Your Rights workshops to community groups, referred directly to the Resistance Committee and through MIRA. Our first volunteer-led workshops begin next week! We have another Training for Trainers for NLG-MA volunteers coming up on Tuesday, March 25 at 7pm on Zoom. Guild members can sign up for the training here. Additionally, a group of NLG-MA members are developing habeas templates for individuals unlawfully detained by CBP or ICE. We hope to develop the capacity to file habeas corpus petitions for clients.
We recently voted to form issue-area subcommittees to monitor changes, develop projects, and facilitate NLG-MA action. We selected three issue areas as immediate priorities for our chapter: Immigration; Speech, Suppression, and Communication; and Education and Employment. These three subcommittees will develop and implement initiatives that respond to current attacks on Massachusetts communities. The above projects will fall under our new Immigration Subcommittee, which will oversee these initiatives and develop new ideas. Speech, Suppression, and Communication will assist with communication networks, media strategy, and repression of speech on campuses and beyond. Education and Employment will prepare the fallout of unraveling education funding, haphazard or targeted layoffs, reduced protections for marginalized students, and more.
Additionally, the Resistance Committee voted to form watch subcommittees on Trans Community Support and Housing. The Trans Community Support and Housing subcommittees will stay updated, prepare for action, and grow when needed. As the Trump administration threatens existing supports for our trans neighbors, as well as MA residents needing government housing assistance, we will monitor and respond to impacts on the ground. All five subcommittees are open to new members. NLG-MA members are welcome to sign up for Resistance Committee subcommittees here. Our next Resistance Committee meeting at 7pm on April 7 will feature reports from our new subcommittees. If community members or Guild allies have ideas for potential projects or connections for our subcommittees, please reach out to me (Emma Knight) at
In under two months, the Resistance Committee has built on the long-standing work and wisdom of the Litigation Committee, Mass Defense, and Street Law Clinics to develop capacity for brand new projects. We can do even more with more help. Regardless of your area of expertise, your energy and insights are needed. Encourage your friends to join the NLG-MA chapter as well, so they can be part of our efforts to direct legal, educational, and advocacy resources toward resisting the Trump regime.
For community partners, please take advantage of the NLG-MA network. Learn to assert your rights through Street Law Clinics and KYR Workshops. Utilize Legal Observers when you challenge injustice. Build connections with like-minded lawyers and advocates. Share ideas and knowledge. Partner with us to maximize our shared power.
Contact Emma Knight at for matters related to the Resistance Committee, and contact Urszula at for other Guild connections and resources. Be on the lookout for updates on our subcommittees in next month’s issue!
Immigration Subcommittee
In resistance against the Trump Administration’s attacks on people with vulnerable immigration status (including permanent residents!), the NLG-Mass Chapter has launched several projects under the new Immigration Sub-committee, which is part of the Resistance Committee.
So far, the projects include:
(1) partnering with the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) to provide “Know Your Rights” trainings that include instructions for responding to ICE, and
(2) developing a team to file habeas corpus petitions to challenge unlawful ICE detentions, as well as to support attorneys filing similar petitions. The need for this work is clear. Local ICE arrests have begun and have targeted undocumented individuals, as well as green card holders who have advocated for Palestinians.
Thank you to Guild members who have already joined these projects.
If you are interested to get involved in the Immigration Sub-committee, please reach out to Emma Knight ( or George Ward ( to join the effort.
Know Your Rights Subcommittee
NLG-Mass Chapter’s Resistance Committee worked in coordination with MIRA and trained over 25 volunteer NLG Members to deliver crucial immigration “Know Your Rights” trainings.
So far, NLG volunteers have trained almost ten community groups in the first few weeks, including a mutual aid group in East Boston and the Cambridge Housing Authority.
We are hoping to train more members of the NLG to have a larger pool of trainers and be able to offer the KYR trainings to a larger number of immigrant communities.
Please contact us if you want to be involved.