Election Protection Volunteer Opportunities

NLG-Mass Chapter is organizing a Field Program training with Sophia Hall of Lawyers for Civil Rights to prepare election observers!

On Monday, October 28, we will host a training with Sophia Hall from the LCR to prepare our members for the upcoming election. If you are interested in participating, please RSVP by October 27 to nlgmass-director@riseup.net.  (Event details will be sent only to those who RSVP.)

With election season well underway, it’s time to start thinking about Election Protection (“EP”) volunteering!  Lawyers for Civil Rights (“LCR”) is currently recruiting volunteers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire for two Election Day volunteer opportunities:  (1) the EP Call Center, and (2) the EP Field Program.  They are reaching out to the NLG and others to make sure that all of us have EP on our radar and can take all steps necessary to participate on November 5th.  LCR Deputy Litigation Director Sophia Hall will discuss opportunities with us in this information session. 

We hope NLG members will be able to attend our training on October 28th.  If you can’t make it, you can still sign up for the Call Center or the Field Program using the links below. 



The non-partisan EP Call Center—staffed exclusively by attorneys—will be answering calls from New England voters to the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline on Election Day.

Volunteers will primarily be: answering voter questions and reporting problems to Call Center leadership. The Call Center will be remote, so volunteers can complete shifts from their location of choice.  If volunteers choose to volunteer at the office, or using firm technology, firm IT folks may have to complete “tech testing” to ensure EP software compatibility with firm networks. 

Call Center volunteers will, depending on experience, need to complete one or more training shifts before election day.  Training shifts will be available in the late Summer and throughout the Fall.  LCR will provide more details about training requirements and shift sign ups in the coming weeks.  Attorney volunteers do not need any special expertise to volunteer at the Call Center—LCR will provide all necessary training. 

Attorneys interested in volunteering for the EP Call Center this year should fill out a Google form using this link


The Field Program is a non-partisan poll monitoring operation staffed by hundreds of volunteers throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

 Field Program volunteers will be assigned a group of polling places on election day. During their shift, they will be monitoring those locations, serving as an in-person resource to voters, and reporting high-priority issues to the LCR team for trouble-shooting in real-time. 

To participate in the Field Program on Election Day, volunteers will be required to complete a one-hour training.  Training dates are TBD and will be announced in the coming months.  As with the Call Center, volunteers do not need any special qualifications.  LCR and our partners will provide all necessary training/materials. 

Those interested in volunteering for the EP Field Program this year should fill out a Google form here: https://bit.ly/electionprotection2024