Resistance Committee: Join Now!

NLG-MA members have formed a Resistance Committee to brainstorm, build, and act in resistance to rising facism. Our Committee has been meeting weekly since Inauguration Day. We are staying updated on Trump 2.0 attacks on our communities and neighbors, so we can direct NLG-MA resources to respond quickly to growing crises. 

This week, about thirty NLG members trained with the MIRA Coalition to begin offering Know Your Rights presentations for immigrants and allies. In less than a month, we have built capacity to offer NLG immigration KYR trainings statewide. Our presentations are designed to offer pivotal tools to people targeted by Trump’s mass deportation calls, as well as information for immigrant allies looking to protect their neighbors. The need for Know Your Rights education still exceeds demand, so we urge you to offer your time to this project, particularly (but not only) if you have immigration law knowledge or speak languages other than English. Additionally, we hope to build a list of NLG immigration lawyers willing to answer legal questions, take cases, or advise our Committee’s immigration-related activity.

We will be discussing other opportunities to resist in the coming weeks. If you have expertise in any area of law Trump plans to unravel, or if you have the capacity to organize and learn, we need your help. If you have been waiting for a moment to get more involved with the Guild, now is the time. Please reach out to to plug into our work.