So far this semester NUSL NLG has been focused on welcoming 1Ls into the organization, learning more together about the rich history of protest at the school, planning for events later in the semester, and collaborating with NUSL LSJP on their Week of Rage to mark a year of ongoing genocide in Palestine. In the coming weeks we’re looking forward to getting a new batch of legal observers trained, having a community potluck, connecting with experienced NLG organizers from outside of our chapter, and more.

NLG member Julia presented about the history of student protest at NUSL, with a focus on the anti-Vietnam war movement, divestment from South Africa, divestment from fossil fuels, and the recent Palestinian solidarity protests. We discussed the similarities and differences in student organizing strategies and repression by the Northeastern administration and the police over time, and how these histories can inform our tactics today. Students left feeling inspired to share these histories with others and to continue asserting our rights to make our voices heard.