Northeastern University Chapter Report

At the end of February, almost 20 Northeastern University School of Law students received a Legal Observer training at the joint NUSL and UMass Dartmouth session!  The high amount of interest is indicative of students really wanting to do their part to secure the right to protest and criticize our government in the face of this increased oppression and attacks on dissent.

In mid-February, NLG hosted an art making display during our normal meeting time for “Palentines” – students wrote down the ways they committed to implementing principles of abolition in their personal lives, and wrote ways they were recommitting to the fight for Palestinian liberation.  Students in a sub-group working on a zine about local alternatives to police and what to do during an ICE Raid.  Currently, NUSL Clinics program has a policy of calling Northeastern Univ. Police Department to respond to ICE.  NLG is interested in exploring alternatives for this campus policy to maintain community safety for staff, students, and clients alike.

Our NLG student chapter will be partnering with the Northeastern Environmental Law Society for a World Water Day series of short presentations on March 19th on how to work to ensure access to clean drinking water in a presidency that opposes regulating polluting industries. Speakers are likely to include Sharmila Murthy – sharing a law review article on environmental racism and utility law equity; a speaker from the Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine to talk about ties between MA and Israel, and how Israel controls access to water in the occupied territories, and how it is using water as a tool of genocide; and an attorney from Conservation Law Foundation’s Clean Air and Water team.  We hope NLG members will be able to attend.