The Litigation Committee has been ramping up the battle on a number of fronts, thanks to the work of our committee members.
On April 26, our pursuit of transparency from the Boston Police Department and BRIC resulted in the hearing of our Motion for Attorney Fees before Judge Cowin in the Suffolk Superior Court. David Kelston and Jeff Petrucelly made well-crafted and supported arguments for NLG, aided by Jonathan Messinger and Chris DiOrio, in favor of our demand for fees after almost three years of obstruction and obfuscation by Boston Police in acquiring records regarding BPD’s response, or lack thereof, during the “Straight Pride” threat march three years ago. Judge Cowin took our case under advisement, and we await her decision anxiously.

The Committee also has actions moving forward against BPD and BRIC on multiple other fronts. Our lawsuit regarding the BPD’s discriminatory inactivity and subsequent failure to provide records during the Patriot Front “march” through Boston streets resulting in harassment and injury to counterprotestors has been served, and we are advancing toward discovery and dispositive action. We are also prepared, thanks to the efforts of intern Michael Allen, to serve c.66 record requests to BPD/BRIC to address the disparate treatment of pro-Palestinian protesters versus those who are pro-Israeli supporters.
We’re also preparing to engage with Grace Ross at MAAPL/WAFT regarding a series of orders against her organization by housing and district court judges on behalf of predatory lenders attempting to evict families. Judges have specifically prohibited her from being present at eviction actions in support of the potential evictees, violating the 1st Amendment and Article 16 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights. Jeff Feuer and Chris DiOrio will be working with Grace to strategize and choose a course of action.
Lastly, the Litigation Committee would be remiss without expressing its heartfelt gratitude to our stellar intern, Michael Allen, who has graduated from Northeastern University Law School and is headed into bar exam prep and looking to take his fight for the cause to the courtrooms of Louisiana. Good luck and continue the fight, Michael!