On January 18, the NLG-Mass Chapter members met for this year’s Annual Meeting. We were hoping that this time, after long 3 years, we’ll be able to hold the meeting in person; however, a survey of our membership showed that people preferred a virtual meeting.
At the meeting, we conducted our annual Elections of the NLG-Mass Chapter Board of Directors and of Officers. After a unanimous vote, the Chapter elected Eden Williams as Co-Chair, David Kelston as Treasurer, and Kylah Clay as Clerk. Five Board members were re-elected to a new 2-year term: Lee Goldstein, David Kelston, Lisa Lunskaya Gordon, Josh Raisler Cohn, and Eden Williams; Deb Wilmer was elected for the first time. [READ THEIR CANDIDATE STATEMENTS HERE] Congratulations to all and welcome to the Board!
We would like to thank to our long-time Board members and past officers – Makis Antzoulats & Bonnie Tenneriello – who decided to step down from the Board and not run for re-election this time. Their contribution to the Board was invaluable and we hope, after a short time off, they will re-join our ranks.
We also heard from the representatives of our committees about their work.
Sara Malley reported on the creation of the Chapter’s Abortion Justice Task Force. The Task Force’s goal is to provide legal clinics to various communities (schools, universities, community organizations, etc.) whose members are affected by last year’s Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs. We are in a process of finishing written materials for the clinic, but need help from more NLG members to finish this task. If you are concern with the negative impact the Dobbs decision might have, please contact Sara Malley (sara.e.malley@nesl.edu) or NLG office (nlgmass-director@riseup.net). We need your help!
Jeff Feuer and David Kelston summarized the work of our Litigation Committee which, after over 3 years, is wrapping up a public records case against the Boston Police Department (BPD) and Boston Intelligence Center (BRIC) for their violations of public records laws following our request for documents related to the 2019 Straight Pride Parade in Boston. The Committee also began researching and gathering evidence to show how BPD violates its own policies and keeps a blind eye when Boston cops cover their badges and refuse to identify themselves at demonstrations and protests. In addition, the Committee is now undertaking a huge project to analyze thousands of documents we’ve received from the BPD and BRIC pertaining to various complaints filed against these agencies. If you are interested in getting involved in the Litigation Committee, please contact Urszula Masny-Latos at nlgmass-director@riseup.net. The Committee will definitely use your expertise!
Makis Antzoulatos and Josh Raisler Cohn reported on a very busy year of the Mass Defense Committee (MDC). We work very closely with organizations and groups around the state that are fighting in the streets for political and social changes, and they rely on the NLG-MDC for Legal Observers, Direct Action trainings, legal advice, and representation in court. From anti-racist advocates to climate justice groups to prison abolitionists to supporters of LGBTQ++ to anti-police brutality activities – they all know that the MDC is there for them. Every year, we train dozens of new Legal Observers who join the ranks of hundreds who are already in the program.
Ruchi Ramamurthy let us know about the work of our Street Law Clinic project (SLC). Established over 30 years ago, the project provides Know Your Rights-Stop & Search legal clinics to communities and groups across Massachusetts. SLC legal workshops are run by law students, trained and prepared by NLG attorneys. Last year, the project coordinators and volunteers did a state-wide outreach to organizations, schools, and libraries to publicize the project and generate interest in the clinic.
Our guest speakers this year were activists from Extinction Rebellion (XR), one of our climate justice ally organizations. Jule Manitz & James Comiskey led a presentation on “Extinction Rebellion & the Fight for Climate Justice,” and discussed XR’s principles, values, demands, and their strategy to use civil disobedience actions in putting pressure on political and corporate players in the fight for climate justice. They also discussed how their collaborate with the NLG-Mass Chapter and our legal support makes it easier for them to engage in activities they would otherwise avoid.

If you have questions about the Meeting or if you would like to get involved in the NLG committees, please contact Urszula at nlgmass-director@riseup.net. We hope to hear from you!