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Rebecca Wood NLG SNVP Candidate Statement

Rebecca Wood lived all over Virginia before relocating to Massachusetts. She graduated with a BSW from James Madison University and served in Americorps with Virginia State Parks. Her plans for graduate school were put on hold indefinitely when her daughter, Charlie, was delivered ten hours into her twenty sixth week of gestation.

Early on, Rebecca learned she’d have to advocate … Read more>>

Massachusetts Special Commission Must Include Jewish Voices that Support Palestinian Rights

Statement by Together for an Inclusive Massachusetts

As the Massachusetts Special Commission on Combatting Antisemitism gathers for its second monthly meeting on November 19th, organizations and individuals participating in the statewide alliance, Together for an Inclusive Massachusetts (TIM), continue to be concerned about the process and content of the Commission’s work.

A request for feedback from K-12 students on the … Read more>>

Campaigning for Palestinian Rights in Genocidal Times

Nancy Murray, Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine

The Boston-based Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine has been active since 2013, when it emerged from the Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights (BCPR) to campaign against the ‘Innovative Water Partnership’ that then-Governor Deval Patrick had formed with the State of Israel.  In October 2015, we succeeded in getting the Water Partnership … Read more>>

Lassie and Leroy

By Anthony Moore Jr., MCI-Shirley

On days when I’ve worn myself out trying to untangle my various legal issues, I go to Leroy’s cell. Leroy is a 74-year-old man undergoing chemotherapy for his lung cancer, a consequence from his excessive smoking during the Vietnam War. The treatment usually leaves him fatigued and tired, but when he sees me, his … Read more>>

Limited Humanitarian & Financial Benefits from Medical Paroles for Prisoners Serving LWOP for First-Degree Murder, 2018-2024

By Dirk Greineder, MCI-Norfolk

Massachusetts Prisoners are the most aged (1) and, even after the Mattis decision, have the highest percentage of Life Without Parole (LWOP) prisoners in the U. S. (3): Thé MA 2018 medical parole law was enacted to allow the DOC Commissioner to release terminally ill (life expectancy <18 months) and permanently incapacitated prisoners on parole … Read more>>

We Need Furloughs!

By Stanley Donald, Senior Law Clerk For Prisoners, MCI-Norfolk

There is no more common decency. It seems that the Department of Corrections has lost its way. There is nothing being done to rectify the after-effects from COVID in prison. Granting furloughs to prisoners would be a step to heal the mental anguish from the loss of a love one … Read more>>

The Need for Oversight In Corrections

By Shawn Fisher, OCCC-Bridgewater

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” – Albert Einstein 

Michele Deitch, in a 2021 an article for the Brennan Center wrote, “The United States is an anomaly on the world stage are among the most opaque public institutions in our society. In contrast to our peer nations, … Read more>>

#FreeHer: Families for Justice as Healing Demands Change

This September, Families for Justice as Healing and The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls organized our fourth annual #FreeHer March in Massachusetts to uplift our collective demand to stop the planned $50 million women’s prison project. We are grateful for the support of NLG legal observers at the march. Movement lawyers are integral comrades in … Read more>>

The Ongoing Struggle for Prisoner Rights in Massachusetts

Aaron Steinberg, Communications Director, Prisoners’ Legal Services of Massachusetts

One might expect that Massachusetts would be a leader in addressing societal issues like incarceration. In a few ways we are doing well: we have one of the lowest incarceration rates in the country, we are one of the few states to make phone calls free for incarcerated people (although this hasn’t been without issue), and we’re closer than ever to passing a prison … Read more>>

Northeastern University NLG-Mass Chapter Update

So far this semester NUSL NLG has been focused on welcoming 1Ls into the organization, learning more together about the rich history of protest at the school, planning for events later in the semester, and collaborating with NUSL LSJP on their Week of Rage to mark a year of ongoing genocide in Palestine. In the coming weeks we’re looking forward … Read more>>

NLG-Mass Representation of Extinction Rebellion Activists

It was a long but successful day for the 21 defendants represented by Mass Defenders Committee members Kylah Clay and Andrew Fischer. The day began with a rally organized by XR and the local SPJE (Stop Private Jet Expansion) chapter in support of the defendants, who were arrested for protesting the proposed expansion of private jet hangars at Hanscom Field. Private … Read more>>

MIT Coalition for Palestine Announces Major Divestment Win

The MIT Coalition For Palestine announces a major divestment win for its Scientists Against Genocide (SAGE) movement : MIT has ended the MISTI-Israel Lockheed Martin Fund. This is the first known shutdown of an American-Israeli weapons manufacturer partnership at a U.S. university since the war on Gaza has begun, and MIT has chosen to end this partnership despite renewing … Read more>>

Demilitarize Western Massachusetts: Join Now!

With its roots in anti-militarist activism stretching back nearly 50 years, Demilitarize Western Massachusetts (Demil) carries forth a long tradition of peace and justice activism in the Connecticut River Valley region through divestment, civil disobedience, and advocacy efforts, spanning a range of anti-war and anti-racist battles, into the present day – a pivotal moment for intervention against the military industrial … Read more>>

The Power of Radical Infrastructure

How Years of Strengthening Support Networks and Chipping Away at Carceral Power Took DNC Mass Defense to the Next Level

By Joan Steffen, NLG Chicago Board Member and former member of NLG Massachusetts

The Chicago DNC created a unique moment for protester legal support. It illuminated the combined success of the city’s radical support network and NLG Chicago’s role within that system. … Read more>>

Mass Defense Committee Update

The past few months have been an amazing time for social justice movements and our Mass Defense Committee has been working overtime to provide needed legal support for activists.

We first want to acknowledge the high school, college and university students who are on the front lines. All across our state, as well as the rest of the country, student … Read more>>

Litigation Committee Update

The Litigation Committee continues to fight for systemic change, advancing a number of matters against law enforcement entities and large corporate entities.

Our action against the Boston Police Department (BPD) for their intransigence has resulted in an award of $40,000 in legal fees. After almost three years of obstruction and obfuscation by Boston Police in acquiring records regarding BPD’s response, or lack thereof, during … Read more>>

2024 Law Student Brunch Reflection

On Saturday, September 7th, law students from Northeastern U., Boston U., UMass Darmouth, New England Law Boston, and Harvard U. came together with NLG-Mass Chapter Executive Director Urszula Masny-Latos at Andala Café in Cambridge to drink mint tea and strategize over falafels. Urszula introduced NLG’s mission to the students and outlined ways to get involved. She discussed opportunities to shadow ongoing work regarding surveillance of activists and criminal defense for pro-Palestinian activists. Additionally, she encouraged students to intern in the upcoming year and highlighted past interns’ research as foundational … Read more>>

Election Protection Volunteer Opportunities

NLG-Mass Chapter is organizing a Field Program training with Sophia Hall of Lawyers for Civil Rights to prepare election observers!

There are a lot of ways to volunteer your time on Election Day.  Our program is the nation’s largest nonpartisan effort and with your help we will ensure that thousands of voters are able to cast a meaningful ballot.  … Read more>>

UMass Lowell SJP Report

What is SJP

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a national organization with chapters across many different universities in the United States.  It was founded on the idea of promoting liberation, justice, human rights, and self-determination for the Palestinian people on college campuses. SJP values exist to resist all forms of racism, discrimination, and violence.   At UMass Lowell, we … Read more>>

NLG Summer Retreat Report

In July, our Chapter members gathered in Cambridge for the Annual Summer Retreat. The day was beautiful, food was tasty, and the company was quite engaged in discussing our current affairs and what’s ahead of us. We spent a lot of time listening to our students and discussing ways to effectively maintain our relationships with NLG student chapters and what … Read more>>

Banned in Boston: Pro-Palestine Media Campaign Censored by the MBTA

A media campaign by the Palestine Advocacy Project has faced extraordinary pushback from the MBTA as well as private companies in the Boston area that appear determined to keep the organization’s messages from reaching the public.

The Palestine Advocacy Project, a group that creates public media and education campaigns about the Palestinian struggle, launched a mass media awareness campaign in … Read more>>

August 2024 Member Profile

In September of 2023, the Cape Cod chapter of the Democratic Socialist of America (DSA) contacted NLG-Mass Chapter for legal advice on a tenant organizing issue.  The tenants in question were veterans and families of veterans living in a repurposed motel in Sandwich, MA, that was operating under the name of the “Liberty Lodge.” As was covered in the in … Read more>>

Litigation Committee Update

Great news from that Litigation Committee, as we continue to advance a number of matters against law enforcement entities and large corporate entities.

Thanks to stellar efforts from lead counsel David Kelston and Jeff Petrucelly, we received a decision from Judge Cowin granting a significant amount of attorneys’ fees and costs after hearing on our Motion for Attorney Fees in … Read more>>

UMass Law Student NLG Chapter Update

UMass Law NLG has had an incredibly productive summer, and we anticipate a fall semester full of meaningful opportunities for public service! First and most notably, UMass Law NLG was selected to participate in NLG’s national conference in Birmingham. Our panel will consist of law school students and administrators drawing from their unique experiences to deconstructing barriers to law school education … Read more>>

NLG 2024 #Law4ThePeople Convention

The NLG’s 2024 #Law4ThePeople Convention will take place at the Hilton Birmingham Downtown at UAB, in Birmingham, AL on Wednesday, October 30 – Sunday, November 3, 2024! Join hundreds of legal professionals, scholars, and activists for five days of interactive CLEs, workshops, and panels by members of the oldest and most progressive public-interest bar association in the country.

This year, … Read more>>