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The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild fights for radical justice in the courts and in the streets. In these dangerous times, we will continue to stand up, stand together, and fight back.

Learn more about our Litigation Committee
Learn more about our Street Law Clinics
Learn more about our Mass Defense Committee


Northeastern University Chapter Report

NUSL’s NLG Chapter began its semester themed around abolition by tabling to direct students to donate to mutual aid funds for those in Altadena impacted by the wildfire and for incarcerated fire fighters. For the two lunch time tabling sessions NLG members brought in baked goods to incentivize donations and laid out an array of… READ MORE>>

I.O.N. Report

I.O.N. has been hard at work, building trainings and educational resources, supporting workers in different stages of the unionization and bargaining processes, and conducting research on the changing state of labor law and how best to organize around it. – Trainings and Educational Resources: I.O.N. has built and offered training on filing unfair labor practices, defending… READ MORE>>